ICC YAAF : Building a Career in Arbitration and the Importance of Cross-Cultural Relationships
Join us in Cape Town for an insightful round of ICC panel discussions focused on building a career in international arbitration and the importance of cross-cultural relationships. This event is designed for legal practitioners, in-house counsel, experts, and consultants who are involved in or wish to be involved in the international arbitration landscape.
The event aims to provide valuable insights and guidance on building successful careers in international arbitration. It will also address how to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-cultural relationships. Through a combination of presentations, panel discussions, and interactive networking opportunities, participants will gain practical advice, inspiration, and strategies for building a career in arbitration.
Venue :
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
11 Buitengracht Street
Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Tel.: +27 21 481 6300
Contacts :
- Ms Siobhan Zeiler, ICC YAAF Representative; Associate, ENS Africa, Cape-Town
- Email : szeiler@ensafrica.com
- ICC DRS Africa : iccdrs-africa@iccwbo.org
10:00-10:30 Welcome of participants and Registration
10:30-10:40 Welcome remarks and Introduction to ICC YAAF
- Siobhan Zeiler, ICC YAAF Representative for Africa; Associate, ENS Africa, Cape Town
10:40-11:20 Presentation of the ICC, Jus Connect and McCann Truth Central Report :
The Truth about Cross-Cultural B2B Relationships”
- Colleen Parker-Bacquet, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration
11:20-11:30 Coffee-break
11:30-12:15 Fireside Chat : Building a career in international arbitration - Sharing experiences and stories
from expert
Moderator : Mapange Nsapato, Director, Nsapato & Co., Lusaka
- Carol Masego Makutu, Senior Associate, ENS Africa, Johannesburg
- Veronica Connolly, Senior Associate, Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, Cape Town
12:15-12:25 Q&A session
12:25-12:30 Final remarks
At ICC, we believe that through training and mentorship, we can shape the next generation of leading international arbitration and ADR experts. Through the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) network, we are able to better inform, connect and inspire young professionals with interests in dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.
Throughout the world, ICC YAAF organises a number of educational and social events that allow young professionals to discover best practices, discuss topical issues, network and create meaningful connections with experienced practitioners.