ICC YAAF: Arbitration Quiz with the Industry

16:00 (GMT+02:00)
21:00 (GMT+02:00)
Wyndham Grand Athens 2, Megalou Alexandrou Street 10437, Athens - Greece

Join us for this unique game on arbitration experiences with representatives from the industry and seize the opportunity to ask your own questions!

In-house counsel from top corporations have accepted to participate in this unique arbitration quiz and share their truths about arbitration in practice. They will be challenged by experienced arbitration practitioners … but will only have one pass each! Do not miss your chance to join and ask all those questions you couldn’t ask before.

Eleni Serifi, ICC YAAF representative for Europe and Central Asia: serifi.elenh@gmail.com

Wyndham Grand Athens 2, Megalou Alexandrou Street 10437, Athens - Greece

16:00-16:10    Registration

16:10-16:20    Welcome remarks and Rules of the Game

  • Eleni Serifi, ICC YAAF Representative for Europe and Central Asia

16:20-17:20    Arbitration Quiz with the Industry: Round 1

Quiz Participants

  • Ioannis Apsouris, Group General Counsel, Helleniq Energy, Athens 
  • Alexandra Dellis,General Counsel at Nea Odos S.A. & Odos Kentrikis Elladas S.A. (Gek Terna Group Motorway Concession Project Companies), Athens
  • Izabella Tsirba, Head Counsel, Finance & Capital Markets, Titan Cement Group, Athens
  • Nikolaos Verras, Group General Counsel, Libra Group, Athens

Quiz Master: Claire Sergaki, Senior Associate, Dryllerakis Law Firm, Athens

17:20-17:35    Questions from the audience

17:35-17:50    Coffee Break

17:50-18:50    Arbitration Quiz with the Industry: Round 2

Quiz Participants

  • Eugenia (Venia) Papathanasopoulou, Director Legal Affairs & Corporate Governance, Athens International Airport, Athens
  • Natalie Kedikoglou, General Counsel (Greece) Eldorado Gold Corporation/Hellas Gold/Thracean Mining /Thrace Minerals, Athens
  • Evy Kyttari, Legal Director, Athenian Brewery S.A., Athens
  • Emmanouil Metaxas, Senior Legal Counsel, Star Bulk, Athens
  • Katerina Skouteli, Legal Counsel, Vianex SA, Athens

Quiz Master: Dr. Michail Dekastros, Senior Managing Associate, Sidley Austin LLP, Geneva

18:50-19:05    Questions from the audience

19:05-19:15    Closing remarks 

  • Eleni Serifi, ICC YAAF Representative for Europe and Central Asia

19:15-21:00    Networking cocktail

At ICC, we believe that through training and mentorship, we can shape the next generation of leading international arbitration and ADR experts. Through the ICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) network, we are able to better inform, connect and inspire young professionals with interests in dispute resolution and dispute avoidance.

Throughout the world, ICC YAAF organises a number of educational and social events that allow young professionals to discover best practices, discuss topical issues, network and create meaningful connections with experienced practitioners.

Learn more about ICC YAAF  | Join the network

Ioannis Apsouris
Group General Counsel, Helleniq Energy
Athens, Greece
Dr. Michail Dekastros
Senior Managing Associate, Sidley Austin LLP
Geneva, Switzerland
Alexandra Dellis
General Counsel , Nea Odos S.A. & Odos Kentrikis Elladas S.A. (Gek Terna Group Motorway Concession Project Companies)
Athens, Greece
Natalie Kedikoglou
General Counsel (Greece), Eldorado Gold Corporation/Hellas Gold/Thracean Mining /Thrace Minerals
Athens, Greece
Evy Kyttari
Legal Director, Athenian Brewery S.A.
Athens, Greece
Emmanouil Metaxas
Senior Legal Counsel, Star Bulk
Athens, Greece
Eugenia (Venia) Papathanasopoulou
Director Legal Affairs & Corporate Governance, Athens International Airport
Athens, Greece
Claire Sergaki
Partner, Dryllerakis Law Firm
Athens, Greece
Eleni Serifi
ICC YAAF Representative for Europe and Central Asia
Athens, Greece
Katerina Skouteli
Legal Counsel, Vianex S.A.
Athens, Greece
Izabella Tsirba
Head Counsel, Finance & Capital Markets, Titan Cement Group
Athens, Greece
Nikolaos Verras
Group General Counsel, Libra Group
Athens, Greece
Free of charge