40th ICC SIA QMUL Annual Joint Symposium of Arbitrators

08:15 (GMT+01:00)
18:00 (GMT+01:00)

The 40th Annual Joint Symposium of Arbitrators, hosted by the School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London and the ICC Institute of World Business Law will take place on Thursday 27 March 2025 at the ICC HQ in Paris.

Event Details:

  • Date: 27 March 2025
  • Venue: ICC HQ, 33-43 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France
  • Time: 9:15 AM - 6:00 PM CET
  • Free of charge
  • Upon invitation only

How Do International Arbitrators Decide Disputes?


8.15 – 9.15 Registration and welcome coffee


9.15 – 9.30 Introduction to the Symposium

  • Eduardo Silva Romero, Chair, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Ex-Officio member, Steering Committee, ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR; Founding Partner, Wordstone, France

9.30 – 11.00 What is the impact, if any, of procedural matters on the way in which international arbitrators decide cases?

  • May the adoption of a particular arbitral procedure affect the outcome of the case as decided by international arbitrators?
  • Does the phase of document production (really) contribute to international arbitrators’ resolution of disputes?
  • Is witness evidence determinative for the international arbitrators’ decisions?
  • Are legal experts (really) helpful to international arbitrators? Do technical experts (really) contribute to the resolution of the dispute by international arbitrators? (Benefits of iura novit curia in the circumstances)


  • Chiann Bao, Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Independent Arbitrator, Bao Arbitration Services, Singapore
  • Teresa Giovannini, Emeritus Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Partner, Lalive, Switzerland
  • Jacob Grierson, Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Founding Partner, Anima Dispute Resolution, France

Moderated by:

  • Prof. Julian Lew, Emeritus Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Head of School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break

11.30– 13.00 What law, if any, do international arbitrators apply when adjudicating disputes?

  • Is the national law applied by international arbitrators the same law applied by national courts?
  • The application of transnational rules despite the parties’ choice to apply a national legal system
  • The many ways in which international arbitrators apply equitable principles (equity) and principles of good faith despite the parties’ choice to apply a national legal system
  • Investment treaties as an unfortunate means for correcting contracts governed by national law


  • Yves Derains, Honorary Chair, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Founding Partner, Derains & Gharavi, France
  • Loukas Mistelis FCIArrb, Clive M Schmitthoff Professor of Transnational Commercial Law and Arbitration, School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London; Partner, International Arbitration, Clyde & Co LLP; United Kingdom
  • Mélanie van Leeuwen, Ex-Officio member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Chair, ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR; Founding Partner, Vanguard International Dispute Resolution, France

Moderated by:

  • Monique Sasson,  Partner, Delisasson, Italy

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30 What is the impact, if any, of geopolitical crises on the way in which international arbitrators adjudicate disputes?

  • How do international sanctions affect the decisions by international arbitrators?
  • Are international arbitrators entitled to change the seat of the arbitration chosen by the parties to preserve the validity of their award?
  • What role, if any, should potential enforcement difficulties play in the international arbitrators’ decisions?
  • Should international arbitrators consider granting relief different from damages in order to render their decisions more effective in current times?
  • Laurence Shore, Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Partner, Seladore Legal, Italy
  • Anne Véronique Schlaepfer, Partner, White & Case SA, Switzerland
  • Fernando Mantilla-Serrano, Of Counsel, Latham & Watkins LLP, France

Moderated by:

  • Norah Gallagher, Director of School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30 What impact, if any, does the participation of a State or a State entity have on the way in which international arbitrators adjudicate disputes?

  • The impact of the State’s (and State entities’) jurisdictional and admissibility objections on the international arbitrators’ decisions on the merits of the case
  • The impact of public interest and public policy on the international arbitrators’ decisions in cases involving a State or a State entity
  • What role, if any, do corruption allegations play in international arbitrators’ decisions on cases involving States or State entities?
  • What impact, if any, does the participation of States or State entities have on international arbitrators’ decisions on damages?
  • Janet Walker CM, Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Distinguished Research Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School; Independent Arbitrator, Canada
  • Philippe Pinsolle, Head of international arbitration for continental Europe,  Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Switzerland
  • Zachary Douglas, Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Professor of International Law, Geneva Graduate Institute; Arbitrator, Three Verulam Buildings Barristers, Switzerland

Moderated by:

  • Prof. Dr. Maxi Scherer, Professor of International Arbitration, School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary University of London; Co-founder, Arb Boutique, United Kingdom

17.30 – 18.00 Concluding remarks


  • Prof. Julian Lew, Emeritus Council Member, ICC Institute of World Business Law; Head of School of International Arbitration of Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Free of charge